2024, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part C
Bio decolourisation of the azo dye, eriochrome black -t using the bacterial strain, lactobacillus delbrueckii
Author(s): Eljeeva Devakumari T, AJ Thatheyus, M Raja and Dr. A Premalatha
Abstract: The rapid expansion of the textile industry has significantly increased the use of dyes, particularly synthetic azo dyes. To mitigate pollution, effluents from dye industries must undergo treatment before being released into the environment. This study examines the treatment of the azo dye Eriochrome Black-T using the bacterial strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii, isolated from dye-contaminated soil samples. The strain was preliminarily identified via biochemical tests, and its decolorization activity was monitored for fifteen days under varying concentrations. Enzymatic activities of alpha-amylase and protease were also evaluated. Decolorization was found to be more effective at lower concentrations. The findings suggest that this bacterial strain has the potential to be used in treating textile dye effluents.
DOI: 10.22271/micro.2024.v5.i2c.183
Pages: 222-229 | Views: 141 | Downloads: 65
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How to cite this article:
Eljeeva Devakumari T, AJ Thatheyus, M Raja, Dr. A Premalatha. Bio decolourisation of the azo dye, eriochrome black -t using the bacterial strain, lactobacillus delbrueckii. J Adv Microbiol Res 2024;5(2):222-229. DOI: 10.22271/micro.2024.v5.i2c.183