2020, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
Effect of organochlorine pesticide consortium on the indigenous farm soil microorganisms
Author(s): Owhonka Aleruchi, Victoria Ginika Awari and Ejike Miracle Emmanuel
Abstract: The soil samples were taken from the school farm at Rivers State University in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. A sterile soil auger was used to extract a soil sample from a depth of 0 to 20 cm. The material was delivered to the microbiology lab at Rivers State University for examination. The effects of organochlorine pesticide on the soil microorganisms were investigated using five (5) different plastic bowls. 100 grams of soil sample were weighed and placed in each plastic dish. For each plastic bowl containing the 100g soil sample, different amounts of the organochlorine pesticide (force-up, dieldrin) were added: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. Bacterial and fungal population were analyzed interval of seven days at; 7days, 14days and 21adays, using standard procedures. The total heterotrophic bacteria counts (THBC) ranged from 1.0 X 105cfu/g to 9.0 X 105cfu/g while the fungi count ranged from 1.0x103cfu/g to 6.0x103cfu/g. A total of 166 bacteria and 73 fungi were isolated from the contaminated soil belonging to 9 and 7 genera of bacteria and fungi, respectively. The bacterial isolates included; Flavobacterium sp, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella sp, Staphylococcus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Serratia sp., Acinetobacter sp and Alcaligenes sp. The bacterial isolates with the highest percentage occurrence was Bacillus ((23.5%). Whereas, the fungi isolates included; Mucor vacernosus, Trichoderma sp, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp, Fusarium sp, Candida sp and Verticillum. The fungi isolate with the highest percentage occurrence is the Aspergillus Niger (27.4%). The findings of this study demonstrated that the impacts of the organochlorine pesticide (OCP) resulted in a reduction in the number of soil microorganisms present in the contaminated soil as compared to that of the uncontaminated soil. This demonstrated the pesticide's tested impact on soil microbes.
Pages: 29-36 | Views: 591 | Downloads: 184
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How to cite this article:
Owhonka Aleruchi, Victoria Ginika Awari, Ejike Miracle Emmanuel. Effect of organochlorine pesticide consortium on the indigenous farm soil microorganisms. J Adv Microbiol Res 2020;1(2):29-36.